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Nurse's Office

Letter from Nurse


COVID-19 Protocols for School 

updated 9/12/23


If your child is not feeling well or has any symptoms which may be COVID-19 related, please do not send them to school.  

Symptoms could include any of the following:

fever of 100.4 degrees F

new or worsening cough

difficulty breathing



muscle pain or body aches

new taste or smell disorder

congestion or runny nose

nausea or vomiting


severe headache



If your child tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of symptoms:


  • ISOLATEYour child should isolate (separate for others) at home for at least five full days from when they began experiencing symptoms and avoid being around others as much as possible.  Keep home from school, child care, and extra-curricular activities/sports. Notify the school.

  • MASKHave your child wear a well-fitting mask whenever around others through day 10.

  • MONITORMonitor your child’s symptoms and call their medical provider for worsening illness or any symptoms that seem severe or concerning to you.

  • RETURN TO SCHOOL on Day 6 if:

    • They have been fever free without the use of fever-reducing medications; and

    • Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving

    • A well-fitting mask can be worn through DAY 10.

  • NOTIFY the school and anyone they may have been in close contact with during the 2 days prior to the start of their symptoms through Day 5, or for those who did not develop symptoms from the date the test was taken through Day 5.


Please feel free to contact school nurses for further guidance and instruction.




In addition to COVID-19, we will be faced with cold and flu season. There are times when the only way to prevent the spread of illness is to keep students that are ill out of school.  Keeping children home when they are too sick for school protects other students and staff from potential illness.

Symptoms that child is too sick for school

  • Fever: Temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Child must be fever free 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to school.

  • Vomiting: Child should not return to school for 24 hours following the last episode of vomiting. 

  • Diarrhea: Children with watery stools should not return to school for 24 hours following the last episode of diarrhea. 

  • Eye Infection: Pink eye (conjunctivitis) or think mucus or pus draining from eye should not return to school for 24 hours after starting treatment. 

  • Sore Throat: With fever or swollen glands in the neck. Student should stay home until seen by doctor. 

  • Unknown Rash- Must be seen by doctor for unidentified rash before returning to school. 

  • Cough: Children sent to office with persistent cough, with an inability to stay in class, will be sent home.  

  • Ear infection: Without fever can attend school, but the child may need medical treatment and follow-up. Untreated ear infections can cause permanent hearing loss.

Lice, Scabies: Children may not return to school until they have been treated and are free of live lice (must be checked by school nurse before returning).  Children with scabies can be admitted after treatment.

Please reach out to the school nurse through email at with any further medical questions. 


Mansion Avenue School Nurse

The role of the school nurse is to support the student by providing health care. I will be providing health care thru assessment, intervention, and follow-up for all children within the school setting. I will conduct health screenings and refer students whose results deviate from the norm for their age. The school nurse addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and social health needs of students and supports their achievement in the learning process.

Please refer to this site for the latest in immunization updates and to print out some of the health related school forms.


Health Resources

NJ FamilyCare
Beginning January 2014, NJ FamilyCare - New Jersey's publicly funded health insurance program - includes CHIP, Medicaid and Medicaid expansion populations. That means qualified NJ residents of any age may be eligible for free or low cost health insurance that covers doctor visits, prescriptions, vision, dental care, mental health and substance use services and even hospitalization.

The NJ Helps Services Home Page is designed to give consumers a "one-stop" shopping resource for the wide range of programs, information and services provided by the Department of Human Services and its partners, to assist individuals, families and communities in throughout the State of New Jersey.

NJ Parent Link
A statewide website highlighting NJ state services and resources designed to facilitate ease of use and engagement with government services and community resources.

The Flu: A Guide for Parents
CDC flu information for parents.


Printable Forms

Mansion Avenue Elementary School Nurse

Kayla Cain RN, BSN, CSN

(856)546-4926 x5122